BUILD NOTES ================================================================================ cURL and libcurl for Windows 32 bit Version 7.35.0 Contents ======== 1. Info for Hackers 2. Purpose of this Distribution Info for Hackers ================ Built with Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 on February 8, 2014 Statically linked with: - OpenSSL 1.0.1f ( - libssh2 1.4.3 ( - zlib 1.2.8 ( - SSPI, IPv6, and Win IDN enabled for build Licence: The static libraries of libssh2 and zlib (libssh2.x86.lib and zlib.x86.lib) used for linking were generated from the git repo Built from the VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt using nmake with from the official cURL source distribution. - The following environment variable was set to ensure Windows XP Compatibility: set LINK=/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,5.01 - The full build command used was: nmake /f RTLIBCFG=static MODE=static WITH_DEVEL=C:\Users\ThePope\deps WITH_SSL=static WITH_ZLIB=static WITH_SSH2=static ENABLE_WINSSL=no MACHINE=x86 - Installation includes: 1. curl.exe 2. libcurl.dll 3. libeay32.dll 4. libssh2.dll 5. ssleay32.dll 5. zlib.dll It also includes a perl script and vbscript ( and mk-ca-bundle.vbs, respectively) to generate an SSL certificate bundle. Finally, it includes a correctly named SSL certificate bundle, curl-ca-bundle.crt, that I generated by running If you want to generate a new SSL certificate bundle, run (if you have perl) or mk-ca-bundle.vbs. It should produce a file called ca-bundle.crt. Rename it curl-ca-bundle.crt and replace the old file. Purpose of this Distribution ============================ This distribution of cURL is intended to be easy to setup and use on Windows. I am still a novice programmer, and I can still remember the trouble I had setting up cURL for the first time. The precompiled binaries donated by members of the community worked fine. However, I had to spend quite a long time digging through the cURL website and/or Google to learn about generating SSL certificates, adding a directory to my Path, and trying to decide which files from the extensive documentation I should read or save on my computer for easy reference. None of these problems are very difficult to solve, so I decided to create a package with everything a Windows user needs to get started with cURL. I had a few specific goals: 1. A full-featured, fully functional 64-bit build of cURL and libcurl - SSL, SSH, the whole thing. 2. A correctly named SSL cert-bundle to get people curling immediately, and the download scripts for serious programmers to use to stay up to date. And of course, instructions on how to use them. 3. All the documentation, readable on Windows' default text editor. 4. An installation script to get beginners going - it would save cURL to Program Files and add it to the user's Path. This was going to be a challenge for me as I am still new to programming. I think I achieved all these goals. This is my first Windows installer upgrade, so I apologize in advance for any bugs I didn't catch. I created the installer with WiX 3.8. I hope my distribution makes this great program more accessible and useful for Windows users. -Edward LoPinto, February 2014